Friday, May 15, 2009

Want to Skyrocket Your Muscle Building? - Try These 6 Tips to Effective Flexibility Training

How important is stretching in your bodybuilding regimen? If your answer is little to none then you may be drastically limiting your muscle building success.

Many weight lifters view stretching as something that takes up extra time at the end of their workout and has little benefits. They cannot be more wrong. This is one part of your workout routine that needs to be taken seriously.

A complete fitness program should include four components: proper nutrition, strength and cardio programs and flexibility training. Consistently improving your range of motion should be just as important as your other physical gains. Studies show that shortened muscles tend to be weaker, slower and are more prone to injuries.

Are you finally convinced? Read on to learn better stretching techniques to take your bodybuilding to the next level.

1. Strive for a 1:1 ratio. So if you are strength training for one hour you are stretching for one hour. The same goes for your cardio workout. This seems to be the optimal amount of time to prevent injury and enhance performance. At the very least you could do 0.5:1 ratio. If you are lifting weights for 2 hours you would stretch for 1 hour.

2. Stretch often. Stretching for 1 or 2 hours may seem impossible for some but you do not have to do all this stretching before or after your workouts. It doesn't even have to be on the same day as your workout. The key is to stretch often and whenever possible - in your car, at your desk. Try stretching every 90 minutes or so throughout your day. You will be surprised how quickly you log in that stretching time and how good you will feel.

3. Monitor your flexibility progress. As you should have a log for your weight lifting progress so goes it with your flexibility training. Look at how much your range of motion is improving. Keep track of your progress and strive to improve from one session to the next.

4. Zero in to your tight muscles. Listen to your body to find which muscles need the most stretching. By concentrating on your tightest muscles you will avoid the imbalances that can lead to musculoskeletal problems and will find most muscular pain just melting away.

5. Do not push too hard. Be sensitive to your body's limits. By gently pulsing you can affect a deeper stretch. Do not bounce as this tends to contract muscles rather than relax. Holding your stretches from 30 seconds to 1 minute should get the job done. Again, always listen to your body. It will let you know.

6. Stretch before your workout. I've heard two sides to this story. Some experts say that stretching doesn't really get your muscles ready to exercise and can actually slightly weaken the muscles. The most successful weightlifters I've seen stretch any tight muscles before their workouts. It makes sense if say your hip flexors are tight by reducing the amount of tension in that area your increased range of motion will allow for a deeper squat or deadlift etc.

Personally, I find stretching after a strenuous workout kind of like a reward. It's a time to relax my body, breathing into the muscles I am stretching and have worked so hard.

If you want to maximize your bodybuilding routine, add this important component to your fitness program. You'll find flexibility training a must for strength training success but more importantly a must for overall good health.